Summer collection

Sun & smiles, playing wild, making memories.

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Let the sun shine - not burn

Let the sun shine - not burn

Our swimwear has 50+ UPF protection, so kids can safely play outside for up to 50x longer!

Shop sun-protective swimwear

Shop sun hats

Shoes for summer

Shoes for all your summer adventures!

Our footwear is designed to keep your kids happy and comfy, and support their healthy development.

NA Summer Category Page - Shoes

Shop sandals & water shoes

Summer Category Page - Barefoot Shoes

Barefoot shoes

Our barefoot shoes allow kids to safely enjoy playing outdoors while supporting the growth of healthy feet.

Toes have enough space to grow straight, and the foot can move, flex, arch and bend in a natural pattern.

Shop barefoot shoes

Xylitol cooling activewear

Our Xylitol Cool clothing uses Xylitol in the material, a natural sweetener from Finnish Birch trees.

It has a cooling effect like peppermint, so when used in clothing, it can cool down a child's body temperature by 2–5 degrees Fahrenheit!

Our collections - Xylitol cool navigation

Shop xylitol cool activewear

NA Summer Category Page - UPF 50+ Apparel

Sun-proof your child

When the day calls for sunny play, protect your kids with our UPF 50+ clothing.

Regular t-shirts don't protect against sunburn, but our clothing does.

Shop sunproof clothing